Floating Hearts...
Bath time isn't always the most favorite time of the day for most kids. I don't know if they just hate sharing the water with the rubber duckies or just think smelling like sand and milk stains is cool.
Here's an amazing toy / game that might help get your kids in the tub. Give the duckies and bubbles a rest and see how many times your kid can beat you at gold fish while rinsing their hair.

Milliwik Floating Playing Cards
Flat bath time card games ($11-$13) have no nooks for nastiness to take hold. Choose from SplashJack, a kid-friendly deck of cards; Splashimals, a mix-and-match animal game; and SumBodies, a character mash-up. Visit www.milliwik.com
Flat bath time card games ($11-$13) have no nooks for nastiness to take hold. Choose from SplashJack, a kid-friendly deck of cards; Splashimals, a mix-and-match animal game; and SumBodies, a character mash-up. Visit www.milliwik.com
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